Cash Advance / PIN

Can I Use My Credit Card for Cash Advances and Set Up a PIN?

Generally, yes. Please refer to your Credit Card Agreement for more information on Cash Advances. You can find important information on applicable rates and fees in the Rates and Fees Table that precedes your Agreement. While you do not need your credit card’s PIN to make purchases, you typically need to use it for Cash Advances.


Here are some key things to know about Cash Advances:

  1. You can withdraw up to 25% of your credit limit, as long as the withdrawal amount doesn’t exceed your available credit.
  2. Depending on which amount is higher, we either charge a 8% or $5 fee of the Cash Advance amount.
  3. We begin charging interest on Cash Advances on the date the Cash Advance transaction occurred.
  4. Cash-like transactions, such as online gambling; peer to peer transfers; or purchases of foreign currency, cryptocurrency, money orders, wire transfers, travelers' checks, lottery tickets, casino gaming chips (physical or digital), wagers, or other similar items can be seen as Cash Advances.

To set or update your PIN online, here’s how:

  1. Sign into your account online.
  2. From the home page, Select Account Details under Account Balances and Available credit.
  3. Select the pencil icon for Change PIN.
  4. Follow the prompts on the Change PIN page to update your PIN.

To set or update your PIN in the mobile app (version 5.4 or above), here's how:

  1. Download or sign into the Mission Lane mobile app from your phone.
  2. From the home page, navigate to the More tab.
  3. On the More Actions page, scroll down and select Manage Card.
  4. Select Change PIN.
  5. Follow the prompts to change and confirm your PIN.

Note: your new PIN can’t:

  • Contain letters or special characters
  • Include only one digit (like 2222)
  • Consist of consecutive digits (like 1234 or 9876) 
  • Match any consecutive digits within your card’s number or expiration date